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Planetary Outpost UA-1

Planetary Outpost UA-1 3d model guerilla military outpost planetary base camp

The pictures were taken by a spy drone of the Guerrilla forces and what it shows you is a small military outpost located deep into Guerrilla territory. Usually such building end up in ruins soon after these pictures of them are released to the press, so, knowing that, it's safe to assume that the military might have already evacuated that base as at the moment it does not have enough ships to protect each and everyone of its assets in the entire solar system.

Tags: planetary, base, station, outpost, bunker, scifi, sci fi, sci-fi, 3d, model, mesh, solcommand, ua-1, hangar, building, military, small, sol command

planet, planetary, base, station, outpost, bunker, scifi, sci fi, sci-fi, 3d, model, quality, low, poly, solcommand, mesh, download, free, ua-1, texture, launch, pad, port, land, earth, alien, human, terran, design, gun, navy, cannon, defense, offense, dock, hangar, building, military, small, large, ruins, evacuate, protect, solar, system


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