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Uberport space city domes

uber, port, space, station, base, huge, large, big, original, 3d, model, mesh, quality, solcommand, sol command, uberport, starport, star, freelancer, x3

This is among the largest stations that can be found in the "Inara" solar system. It was built in orbit of the exotic planet P3-X. The planet's harsh environment makes living on the surface impossible yet the view from space is the most beautiful from the entire solar system. This station was built for the elite class of "Inara", those that can afford the astronomical costs of an apartment in one of its 4 domes. It was rated 5 stars by the "Fujens" tourism magazine as being the most luxurious destination for the rich and famous.

Its design is inspired by the central tower of the ancient city of Atlantis in the Stargate Atlantis scifi TV series.


  1. Hello, i think is in 2010 but i cant find the files, sorry! could you tell me the folder where it is please?

    1. Hey. It's in the 2009 archive under the shorter name "uberport"

    2. I will need to edit all model's pages with additional info at some point to make them easier to find.

  2. Excuse me, im the uberport guy again. i work in 2d, i havent experience with 3d. I cant open the .3ds in blender program... I need some uberport pics with transparent back in good quality, its possible you could you help me?

    1. I believe they haven't finished the 3ds addon for blender 2.8 yet so you'll need to use the older 2.79 version to open 3ds files, then copy/paste directly from inside 2.79 to 2.8.
      As for transparent background in renders in 2.8 is simple, go to "properties" window on the right, to "render" tab, then "Film" and tick the "transparent" box. Now whe nyou make a render it will have a transparent background and you can save it in PNG format with alpha background (RGBA)

  3. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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